I Dont Want To Retire!

Probably the real essence of not retiring is not to stop thinking about beautiful ideas and experiences and sharing them.
I aspire to inspire with God's Good News to mankind, health and wellness, and many more.


"Under the bed" spacers

Since the start of the year, we've been preparing our bedroom to accommodate bedspacers for a much needed income. A lot have been done to accomplish this, like renovating an area where we can transfer our big bed, selling the big round table that occupies the area we renovated (looking for the buyer of the round table took too long), and finally buying a double deck bed for the bedspacers. We were planning to get only 2 bedspacers though my son was insistent that the room can occupy more.

By February we were already looking for prospective bedspacers but didn't publish that in a public site other than Facebook, since we preferred friends. By mid-Febr
uary however, our pet cat gave birth to four kittens under the double deck bed! It was good that the cat immediately transferred her kittens to another area then another area again, under a single bed made of wood inside a small room we temporarily converted into a store room. That made me think that maybe we can transfer that bed to the bedroom for bedspacers so we can accommodate 3 bedspacers.

Looking for 3 bedspacers all aspects to be considered is not easy I realized, so we just waited for interested friends and my son found one before the Holy Week.  There were preferences to be discussed however which did not happen because of emergencies and one latest event:  our pet dog gave birth under the bed made of wood, and kept her six live puppies under the bed all the time. It is only at this time of writing that she allowed her puppies to be more exposed because 3 of those puppies are now lying beside the bedroom door.

I guess those puppies can now be transferred to our temporary store room, I just need to fix it so it will be more conducive for them to stay in. 

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